Spending money when you have them is a dream.., especially if spending it wisely on food, pay fees, credit card bills and other misc bills that are still outstanding before the bank come and chase after you .., right? ... Sc!@w it !! F@#k Off !!.. Wrong !!LET'S SPENT ON BIKES !!!!
Well, that's what the rest of the boys are doing.. each and everyone!! I meant each of them bought themselves a new bike !! .. IN one Fre@#king month !!
Thats a street value of over a Hundred G's !! Read it right ~ Over $100G's !!!
JW trade his harley 1200L for a XJR1300
AL trade his XV for a Harley IRON 883
Muscle trade his MT01 for a FZ1
Nick got a FZ6
Mr T trade his XV for a FZ6
Douggy trade his GSx750 for a XJR1300
Spec K trade his FZ6 for a FZ1
Ed got a XV
.. and now thank god that I've snapped off my credit cards earlier ...